3 Things That Will Make You a Better Runner

Photo by Chander R on Unsplash

When you’re just starting to run, chances are you’re not going to love every part of it. It will be difficult and daunting, but we promise it gets better over time. In fact, it gets so much better, many experienced runners can’t imagine their life without running anymore! Here are 3 things to help you be a better runner, whether you’re a beginner or not.


Use the technology you have available to track your progress. Fitness apps and fitness watches help you know how much you’ve improved over time, which will motivate you to continue. If you’re one of those people who only acknowledge effort and progress when they see it written in numbers, definitely track your runs.

Be Consistent

Even the smallest daily runs matter. When you absolutely don’t have time, find 10 minutes, and just do it without thinking. You’ll get much better results from consistent daily practice than from sporadic runs, even if they’re longer.

Find a Community

Having people with whom you can talk about running makes all the difference. If you don’t want to bore your close ones who may not be interested in running, find an online or offline community where you can share experience and talk about future goals. It can mean so much!