3 Things to Keep in Mind if You Want to Run Every Day

Photo by sporlab on Unsplash

Running comes with a long list of benefits, but doing it every day may not be the best idea. If you’re getting ready for a marathon or simply enjoy running on a regular basis, you should still think twice before doing it every day, and here are a few things you should keep in mind.

Rest Days

Rest days are a must when it comes to pretty much every physical activity, and running is no exception. You should take breaks to avoid overuse and potential injuries, and only do some light activity on your rest days, especially the ones that aren’t as high-impact as running.

Joint Strain

Speaking of running’s high-impact nature, you should put some extra effort into making sure it’s not so hard on your joints if you’re doing it every day. Run with proper form, make sure you’re wearing appropriate shoes, and don’t forget to stretch before and after your runs.

Distance and Intensity

If you insist on running every day, at least try to make your workouts less grueling by running shorter distances. Decreasing your intensity and pace also can help you avoid overuse injury, which happens to be the biggest risk when it comes to running every day.