Does your back hurt from too much sitting? Have injured yourself in the past? These easy exercises will help you with your pain and discomfort. And you know what is the best thing? They can be all done at home!
Walk Without Discomfort
To walk without any pain, begin doing glute bridges. Just lie on your back with your knees bent, squeeze your glutes and lift your hips high, creating a straight line from shoulders to knees. Lower your hips back to the floor.
Pump Energy Into Your Body
A great exercise for pumping energy into your body is the famous burpees. If you are familiar with this exercise, you will know that is challenging your whole body. Jumping, laying down, and jumping up back isn’t that easy at all.
Almost everyone has experienced back pain. Strengthening the back muscles can help you recover from old injuries, improve your posture, and keep your spinal cord healthy. So, for a painless back, try the exercise called rows.