4 Kitchen Gadgets That Will Improve Meal Planning

Meal prep
Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

When it comes to meal planning it can seem overwhelming and too much work, but it’s all about having the right ingredients and kitchen gadgets. Here are four must-have kitchen gadgets for meal planning.

Storage Containers

Storage containers are a lifesaver when it comes to meal planning. You are able to distribute the food evenly for each meal and store it correctly in the fridge and freezer, to help it last. Make sure you have at least seven different-sized containers that you will use for your protein, whole grains, fruits, and veggies.

Immersion Blender

For all soup lovers, you need an immersion blender. This gadget can blend your dish in five minutes, it’s great for soups, dressings, and sauces, and doesn’t take up much space in the kitchen.


A spiralizer is a kitchen gadget game changer for those who want to lower their carb consumption. This little machine will spiralize any vegetable into spaghetti. It will save you time chopping and grating veggies. Just put the vegetable in, turn it a few times and you have zucchini zoodles ready to be cooked.


For those who work full-time and don’t have much time to cook, a crockpot is one of the best kitchen gadgets around. It might take up a little more space but it can cook amazing meals at the switch of a button. Put in your ingredients in the morning, and by dinner, you will have a piping hot meal.