4 Walking Mistakes That May Be Lowering Your Calorie Burn

Group of people walking
Photo by Kitera Dent on Unsplash

Walking is an easy and healthy activity that’s great for improving hearth health, bone density, and reducing stress. However, here are a few tips that will help you get the most out of your walking workouts and burn more calories.

Not Increasing Your Pace

If you always maintain the same pace, chances are you’ll eventually hit a weight-loss plateau. That’s why interval walking, or alternating between slow and fast walking, can help you burn more calories and torch fat.

Walking Only Flat Surfaces

Don’t miss out on the many benefits of uphill walking because this is the easiest way to add intensity to your workouts, burn more calories, and activate more muscles. If you always walk on flat terrain, make sure to go to the nearby mountain, add incline to your treadmill, or use the stairs.

Not Using Your Arms

Bending your arms while walking is a simple trick to add intensity to your workouts and burn more calories because you’ll activate more muscle groups.

Avoiding Long Walks

Walking is great, even if you have only 30 minutes in a day for this workout. However, try to incorporate at least one long walk into your week in order to stay active and build stamina.