5 Exciting Health Benefits From Eating Eggs

Eggs have been a staple part of the human diet for millions of years, yet we are still discovering just how conductive eggs can be to human health. Here are five health benefits you can expect from your daily egg consumption.

Packed Full of Nutrients

Eggs are incredibly nutrient-rich. Not only are they high in protein, but they contain 11 vitamins and minerals, omega 3 fatty acids, and antioxidants.

High in Quality Protein

When it comes to protein, quality counts as well as quantity. Proteins are the building blocks of life that allow us to grow, repair, and strengthen our bodies. The protein found in eggs contains all nine amino acids essential to optimum growth.

Raise Levels of Good Cholesterol

Eggs help increase the levels of good cholesterol in our blood. This reduces the risk of heart disease and helps improve blood circulation.

A Good Source of Choline

While still a little known nutrient, choline is essential to cellular growth and to help your cells function naturally. If you’re pregnant, choline helps support the healthy brain development of your baby.

Beneficial For the Eyes

Containing antioxidants, Vitamin A, and omega fatty acids, eggs help protect the eyes from retina damage and they may also counteract the degeneration of vision due to ageing.