5 Healthy Snacks You Should Eat in Moderation

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Just because a certain type of food is healthy doesn’t mean you’ll instantly become healthier by eating a lot at once. Here are five foods that might become a liability if you don’t eat them in moderation.


Nuts always come in handy when you want to have a snack, but avoid stuffing yourself with Doritos. That doesn’t change the fact you shouldn’t eat a lot at once since they’re also packed in calories.


Despite having many health benefits, avocados are not the best option if you’re trying to stay fit since they’re packed with calories.

Canned Tuna

Tuna is an essential part of a healthy diet and can serve as a great addition to your sandwiches and salads. You should still tread lightly with this food since it contains high levels of mercury, which is particularly harmful during pregnancy.



Soy may be a healthier alternative to meat, but that doesn’t make it perfect. If you don’t eat it in moderation, it may interfere with your hormones.

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Soy Milk: The use of soy milk was first reported about 2000 years ago in China. Soy milk was the first plant-based milk which serves the purpose of providing nutrients to the population where the milk supply was inadequate. —————————————————– Pros: Soy milk is a good source of essential monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids which are considered good for cardiovascular health. It serves as an inexpensive, refreshing and nutritional beverage to the consumers. Isoflavones appeared to be the functionally active component responsible for the beneficial effects of soybean. Isoflavones are well known for their protective effect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis (Omoni and Aluko 2005). Soy foods are also found to be rich in phytochemicals such as phytosterols, which are recognized for their cholesterol lowering properties (Fukui et al. 2002). Modern soy milk production utilizes advanced technologies and equipments to maximize nutritional value, shelf-life and convenience with reduced beany flavor. The stated or claimed benefits of soy milk include absence of lactose, cholesterol free, high nutritive value, high digestibility and low cost. Owing to these health benefits, soy milk has also found its applications as a functional ingredient in preparation of processed food products. Rahmati et al. (2014) used soy milk as an emulsifier in preparation of mayonnaise where egg was replaced with full fat soy flour-prepared soy milk at different levels. Sensory evaluation showed no statistical difference in acceptability of samples with substitution levels up to 50 %. —————————————————–Cons: The only disadvantage of soy milk consumption is prevalence of soy allergies, making it unsuitable for population who are allergic to soy proteins. —————————————————– #soy #soymilk #health #benefits #nutrition #diet #alternative #nondairy #alternative #protein #allergy #free #vegan #food #health #healthy #healthyfood #healthysnacks #healthybreakfast #healthyeating #alternative #vegetarian #nodairy #dairyfree

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Cheese is impossible to resist since it comes in many tasty shapes and forms, but it’s also extremely high in calories and fats so make sure to limit your intake.