5 Things You Should Always Do When Working Out Twice a Day

Photo by Kike Vega on Unsplash

Working out two times a day has its pros, but there’s no point in denying that it’s quite a challenge. If you’re trying to fit two workouts into your schedule, here are five things you should do to avoid the risk of burnout and injury.

Different Intensity

You should consider engaging in workouts of different intensity levels if you insist on hitting the gym twice a day. The second workout should be less intense, and walking, yoga, and Pilates are some of the activities worth exploring.

Time Between Sessions

Working twice a day won’t take too much toll on your body if you allow more time between sessions. The common practice is to schedule one workout in the morning and leave the second workout for the evening.

Keep It Short

Working twice a day doesn’t mean you should set 45 minutes aside for each workout. Feel free to keep your workouts shorter so you can fit them into your schedule with ease.

Take Rest Days

Whether you’re working once or twice a day, taking rest days is always a must because your body won’t get enough time to recover otherwise.

Adjust Your Diet & Recovery

Your body will need more energy to handle two daily workouts, so remember to adjust your diet accordingly. It’s also important to have an effective recovery routine and prioritize sleep and rest.