5 Tips & Tricks for Making Soup as Healthy as Possible

Soup is one of the ultimate comfort foods, and we can always turn to it when trying to put a healthy twist on our diet. Like all healthy dishes, soup can be turned into a calorie bomb if you’re using the wrong ingredients, but our tips and tricks will help you keep yours on the healthy side.

Avoid Instant Soups

If instant soups happen to be your go-to quick meal, keep in mind they’re pretty unhealthy. Most of them contain a high amount of salt, preservatives, and highly processed ingredients, so they’re best avoided.

High Sodium Content

It’s important not to overdo it with salt when you’re making soup, especially if you’re using canned soup. They often have a pretty high sodium content so it’s best to check a label before buying one.

Skip Heavy Thickeners

Many people turn to thickeners, such as full-fat milk, heavy cream, and butter to make their soups extra rich and creamy, but they’ll significantly up the calorie count and fat content of your soup.

Cut Down on Carbs

If you have a habit of eating soups loaded with pasta, rice, or potatoes, keep in mind they’re only adding extra carbs and calories to your healthy dish.

Ditch Bread & Croutons

Croutons and bread are common add-ins many people eat with their soup, but they’re just adding empty calories that you can do without.