Best Exercises for Improving Your Reaction Times

Good reaction times will transform your sporting ability and your athletic performance. It is a good indication of your physical progress and serves as a benchmark for overall fitness. Here are five simple exercises to perform at least three times a week to improve reaction time.

Throwing and Catching

Throwing and catching a ball is an effective way to train your hand-eye coordination and your reaction time. You can throw and catch with a partner, but it is better if you practice against a wall. This makes the ball harder to predict when you catch it.


Skipping with a rope enhances the body’s rhythms and increases its ability to react quickly and effectively.

Video Games

We often think of video games as inimical to fitness training, but in fact they are a fantastic way of training our brain’s reaction times and anticipation.

Yoga or Meditation

Practicing yoga or meditation exercises regularly decreases stress and helps the body maintain calm and equilibrium when in stressful situations. This prevents your body from panicking and helps you concentrate.

Regular Cardio

Just exercising with regular cardio at least three times a week has been shown to increase reaction times.