Best Ways to Add More Veggies to Your Breakfast

Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it very often lacks minerals and vitamins your body needs early in the morning. Adding more vegetables to the mix can make things better, and these three easy tricks could help you get there.

Veggie Omelet

Omelet is one of the most popular breakfast options, and the best thing about it is that you can add pretty much anything to the mix. Broccoli, mushrooms, and asparagus can make a pretty great addition to this meal, but options are pretty much limitless.

Tasty Smoothies

Making a smoothie is one of the best ways to add some healthy nutrients to your breakfast, but you shouldn’t stop at fruits. Add some vegetables to the mix, and feel free to experiment with everything from carrot to kale.

Breakfast Salad

Most people eat salad for lunch or dinner, but some rules are made to be broken. There’s nothing you can lose by making it a part of your breakfast, and it can only help you make the perfect start to your day.