Best Ways to Protect Your Joints During Your Workouts

Photo by Nigel Msipa on Unsplash

Demanding workouts can often lead to joint pain that will leave you struggling with certain types of exercises. Luckily, you can take several steps to ensure the pressure you’re putting on your joints is under control.

Don’t Skip Warmups

Warming up for your workout may seem like a boring chore you’d rather skip, but it’s absolutely essential. You should always take a few minutes to flex your wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles to boost the blood flow that will eventually lead to a better workout.

Low-Impact Workouts

If you find yourself struggling with joint pain, try to avoid or minimize high-impact activities such as running and jumping. There are many ways to stay active without putting unnecessary pressure on your joints, and swimming, cycling, and yoga are great low-impact workouts you should try.

Exercises to Avoid

There are also certain movements you should avoid, especially if you’re dealing with knee pain, including squats or lunges. If you’re a fan of weight training, you should also consider opting for lighter weights or replacing them with resistance bands.