Breathing Tips to Stop You Gasping for Air While Running

Man running outside
Photo by Chander R on Unsplash

Breathing is often something we do without even realizing it. Inhaling and exhaling are so natural to the body that it’s only really in times of panic that it can become strained (we’re looking at you, anxiety…) One such occasion when it can feel as though you aren’t getting enough oxygen is while running. It’s tough to say “just breathe” when you’re gasping for air!

Nose vs Mouth

Breathing through your nose and your mouth each has its own benefits. Nasal breathing brings in air at a slower rate which can help you stay more relaxed while running, while inhaling through your mouth may feel easier during races as it allows your body to take in the most amount of oxygen in an efficient way. There is no single correct way to breathe so do what feels easiest.

Belly Breathing

Although the lungs are situated in the chest, it’s actually better—and easier—to breathe into your belly as it enables you to take in more air. Breathing into your diaphragm will also help stabilize your core, spine, and pelvic floor. Practicing belly breathing before you head out for a run by lying on your back, keeping your shoulders down and your chest still. As you breathe in, let your belly rise up, and as you exhale, let it fall back down.