Can’t Work Out? Here are Three Things to Do Instead

What to do when you can't workout
Photo by Payam Tahery on Unsplash

If you’re an athlete or somebody who just likes to work out, there are many reasons why you might have to take some time off of exercise. Maybe you’re recovering from an injury or an operation. Maybe you’re too sick to exercise. Maybe you’re healing a fresh tattoo or some microblading. Whatever the case may be, when exercise is a huge part of your life, it can be challenging to have to refrain for a while. You might not even know what to do with yourself. Well, here are three ideas for how to spend that time productively.

Reconsider Your Workout Plan

When is the last time that you really revisited your workout routine and thought critically about whether or not it still works for you? If you can’t work out, it’s a perfect time to give another look at your goals, your routine, and your approach, thinking critically about what you might want to change.

Get Inspired

We don’t know about you, but when we can’t work out, we really enjoy living vicariously through others who can. Watching reruns of Olympics events or sports documentaries gives us a bit of the thrill of exercising, plus it makes us super motivated for when we are able to get back in the gym.


A lot of the time, fitness enthusiasts forget to take adequate recovery time and breaks. So this is the perfect opportunity to have no choice but to sit back, let your body completely recover, and relax. So don’t hesitate to really chill out.