Caroline Girvan is Giving Us Major Fitness Inspiration With Her Circuit Series

Caroline Girvan has shared many amazing workout challenges on her hit YouTube channel, and she’s always in the mood for another one. Her latest will make you fall in love with circuit training, and each workout in this series is pretty intense.

If you’re not familiar with circuit training, this routine is all about performing a combination of several exercises with short rest periods in between, and Girvan explained how it works in the description of her YouTube videos from Circuit Series.

“The timer will be on for 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest before moving to the next exercise within the circuit! We will perform each circuit x2, straight after one another. Once we complete the circuits for 2 rounds, we then have just over 1 minute rest before beginning next circuit!”, explained the fitness influencer.

Circuit training is pretty similar to HIIT because they’re both super-intense and can give you a full-body workout. This workout routine includes elements of endurance training, resistance training, and aerobics, and it’s pretty common to plan exercises that target certain muscle groups. Girvan also embraced this approach to circuit training and shared videos you can use to tone your glutes, legs, and upper body.