Check Out Carrie Underwood’s 5-Minute HIIT Workout

Country singer Carrie Underwood is in awesome shape, and she even has her own fitness app called Food52. That’s exactly why most of us are interested in finding out more about her fitness routine. Thanks to POPSUGAR, we can now work out and stay in shape with Underwood and her long-time trainer Eve Overland.

This bodyweight workout routine is very short but intense, so get ready to work hard. In only six minutes you’ll manage to activate your core and leg muscles with exercises like lunges, squats, push-ups, planks, burpees, and flutter kicks.

The best thing about this quick workout is that you don’t need any equipment to complete it. Just five minutes of free time and a yoga mat is enough to burn major calories and tone your muscles. It’s also perfect for busy people or moms who don’t have a whole hour to exercise.

The workout is suitable for all fitness levels and if you want to make it even harder you can always repeat the routine two or three times or increase the number of repetitions.

Check it out below.