Clear Signs That it’s Time to Find a New Trainer

Woman doing an HIIT workout
Photo by ŞULE MAKAROĞLU on Unsplash

Hiring a personal trainer in order to reach your health and fitness goals can sometimes be a great idea, and yet people can also end up disappointed by their results. It’s important to remember that not all trainers are necessarily the right ones for you, so here are some clear signs that you should find a new trainer.

You’re Not Making Progress

Three to six months is enough time to know if a fitness routine or trainer suits your needs. If you’ve been following your trainer’s instructions, but you still don’t see any results, it’s time to have a talk with them. Either reconsider your routine and goals, or find a better personal trainer.

They’re Not Tracking Your Progress

Weight, circumference measurements, and strength are some of the measurements personal trainers should take in order to track their clients’ progress. If your trainer is not doing this on a monthly basis, there’s no way to track your achievements and you should probably find a new trainer.

Lack of Focus

A personal trainer should be there to motivate and work with you in order to help you achieve your fitness goals, and if they’re not entirely dedicated to the job you’re free to find someone better. A trainer who is often late, distracted by their phone, or doesn’t have time to answer your questions is certainly not worth your money.