Common Mistakes You Should Avoid With Your Spring Hikes

Photo by Toomas Tartes on Unsplash

There’s no better time for hiking than spring, but that doesn’t necessarily make spring hikes easy. You’re going to face many tiny obstacles on your hiking trail, but you can easily overcome them by avoiding these common mistakes.

Overestimating Yourself

If you haven’t gone hiking since fall, don’t go overboard with your spring hikes and stick to distances that you can realistically cover. You’ll still have a limited amount of daylight on your hand in early spring, so hit the trails in the morning and make sure to head home before it starts getting dark outside.

Hiking Outfit

Make sure to dress and pack accordingly for your hikes because spring weather is very changeable and it’s important to wear layers. Having a waterproof jacket, hiking boots, and rain pants is a good idea because it can start raining at any given moment.  

Winter Leftovers

Don’t expect the trails to be clean and dry just because spring is here. Snow and ice can stick around even after winter is over, especially if you’re hiking in the mountains. Keep a close eye on them during your hike so you wouldn’t slip and make sure to check the weather and avalanche forecast.