Consume These Things When You Need Energy

When you’re feeling down and low on energy, it may make sense to reach for something sugary or for an energy drink, but that will not solve the problem you have. It will give you a quick rise of energy followed by an even bigger drop, after which you will feel even worse than in the beginning. Here are the best choices you can make when you need some extra energy.


Drinking water should always be the first thing you do in an attempt to feel more energized. Hydration is crucial for all body functions and it’s often the thing we forget about.

Green Tea

Instead of an energy drink, reach for a fresh cup of green tea. The antioxidants and caffeine it contains should provide you with plenty of energy.


An apple is really a perfect snack and something you should always have in your bag. Your body needs time to digest it so it will keep you full until the next meal without disturbing your hormones that are responsible for energy levels.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is full of protein and will give you energy instantly while keeping you full for a while, similar to what apples do.