Do You Need a Workout Buddy?

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Image via VitalikRadko/Depositphotos

The world is comprised of all kinds of people. We’re not all created the same, which is why not workout strategies aren’t always appropriate for some people. One of the most popular workout strategies is to get yourself a workout buddy, and some may think this is a universal fact. But this too is far from true, because some actually work better without a workout buddy. Is this you? Here’s how to find out.

Are You a Social Butterfly?

You might think that if you ARE a social butterfly, then having a workout buddy is a no-brainer. But the opposite is actually true. Since you love socializing with other people so much, you’ll actually find yourself getting incredibly distracted during your workouts. Your gym outings will become more about socializing and less about getting work done, which is why maybe you should limit your workout buddies to a minimum.

Are You An Introvert?

If you tend to be more introverted, you’ll probably avoid getting a workout buddy. Funnily enough, it’s this very reason that you should probably get one. Just like working out involves stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things, you actually might truly benefit from having another person hold you accountable. You’ll approach your workout buddy with a very professional, no-nonsense mindset, which means you’ll actually benefit from it in the long run.