Easy Ways to Incorporate Physical Activity Into Your Office Job

Photo by Venveo on Unsplash

Office jobs can take a toll on your body since you usually spend most of your time sitting around. If you’re looking for a way to add some physical activity to the mix, we’re here to help you out.

Walking and Talking

You should take any chance you can possibly get to leave the chair and do some walking. If you’re on the phone talking to someone or just reading some documents, give your legs a stretch since there’s no need to be sitting down.

Lunch Time

Instead of spending your lunch at the break room or at your desk, use the time you have to walk for a little bit. You can also ditch the elevator, and take the stairs instead – or at least get off a few floors early if your office is located too high up.

Office Décor

Switching up a few things at the office can also lead to an increase in physical activity. Getting a standing desk or replacing your chair with an exercise ball can help you stay fit at work without putting in a major effort.