Exercise Can Actually Be a Great Type of Meditation

Photo by Leslie Cross on Unsplash

When it comes to relieving stress and anxiety that accumulate daily, there’s hardly anything better than meditation. So many people swear by it, but did you know that meditation can be much more than sitting in a dark room with some calming music? You can meditate in many different situations, and one of them is while you exercise. 


Exercising alone can have a huge impact on your mood. It’s an effective way to decrease stress no matter how you choose to do it. Combining exercise with meditation can be a powerful tool you can use to relax and feel better. It’s simple—instead of listening to music or a podcast while you run, walk, or lift, focus on your senses, see, hear, and feel things that are happening at that moment. Be present. Appreciate your body and what it can do for you.  

You’ll quickly realize that when you exercise like this, you feel much better physically and mentally. Chances are, you’re going to love your workouts even more and look forward to them. It’s definitely worth a try!