Exercise Mistakes That Can Prevent Weight Loss

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Most people join a gym in order to burn some calories and lose weight, yet they end up disappointed or surprised when they don’t see satisfying results. Here are some common exercise mistakes that may be preventing weight loss.

Not Pushing Your Limits

If your workouts are too easy and you’re not pushing yourself hard, chances are that you’re not going to see the results. To make your workouts more intense and effective, make sure to use heavier weights, do more reps, or decrease rest periods.

Post-Workout Protein Boost

We often hear that eating a protein-rich meal after a workout is great for recovering and toning muscles. However, keep in mind that loading up on protein after a workout or taking protein supplements could actually work against you if you’re trying to lose weight. This is because some people tend to rely on them too much, and do less actual working out as a result.

Only Focusing On Cardio

Cardio is great for burning major calories and fat, but the truth is that our bodies get used to specific workout routines pretty fast. That’s why it’s best to balance your workouts and combine cardio with strength training to burn more calories and tone your body.