Food to Avoid Before a Workout

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We usually talk about what to eat before and after a workout in order to improve our performance and fitness results, but are there foods we should avoid? Here’s a list of worst foods to eat before workouts.

Spicy Food

Some people can tolerate eating spicy food better than others, but in general, eating spicy food right before exercising is not a great idea. If the food is too spicy for your taste it can cause heartburn or stomach cramps, so it’s best to avoid them.

Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated drinks have no nutritional value and are loaded with sugar, so it’s no wonder they can cause bloating or even cramps later. Try to avoid drinking them before a workout and replace them with plain water.

Fast Food

If you’re in a hurry, eating pizza or a burger probably seems like the easiest choice to fuel up before exercise. However, fast food can wreak havoc on our digestive system, so it’s best to avoid them if you can.

High-Fat Foods

Eating foods that are high in fat is not recommended because fat slows digestion and it takes longer to digest than other food. This includes foods that are packed with healthy fats as well, such as nuts or avocados.