Healthy Veggies You Should Turn to When It’s Cold Outside

Photo by Megan Hodges on Unsplash

Finding fresh vegetables at your local market can get tricky once the summer is over because some of our favorites don’t thrive in cold weather. Fortunately, some veggies can survive harsh conditions and help you add vitamin boost to every meal once the temperature drops to zero.


Cabbage is one of the essentials of cold weather, as it comes loaded with vitamins and minerals that will get you through the fall and winter.

Brussel Sprouts

These cabbage-like veggies are a must-have during cold winter days. They contain an impressive amount of nutrients and vitamins and have no problem holding up in freezing temperatures.


Carrots should be on your menu all year long, but they taste much sweeter in cooler weather.


These root vegetables boost the same nutritional perks as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower and can add a slightly sweet taste to every dish.


Collard greens such as kale can help you keep your health in check once chilly days roll around since they thrive in winter and can withstand snowy conditions.