Here’s How Summer Heat Affects Your Appetite

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

If you’ve noticed that your appetite suddenly decreased once the temperatures started rising, you’re not the only one. It’s not unusual to experience a major appetite shift once summer arrives, but why exactly is this happening?

Heat Regulation

Your fluctuating appetite can be connected to the way your body is regulating heat. Our body needs more energy in order to stay warm and healthy when it’s cold, and that’s why it’s craving more food in the winter than in the summer.

Different Cravings

It also may feel like we’re eating less in the summer because we have different cravings. Most people crave light, hydrating, and refreshing foods when it’s warm outside, and they often tend to have a much lower calorie content.

The Bigger Picture

Appetite shifts aren’t always impacted by physical symptoms. They can also be connected to body image issues and seasonal affective disorder, and you should look into these problems more seriously if there’s a chance you’re experiencing them.