Home Gym Equipment That’ll Make Your Home Workout Harder

Photo by Form on Unsplash

As most of us workout at home these days, it’s a good time to invest in some home gym equipment. Having the equipment at home can really motivate you to work out at home and not skip a day. Yes, it’s not the same as going to the gym but can be just as efficient. Here are 6 of the best pieces to invest in to keep your fitness up as you work out from home.

Yoga Mat

This is the first thing you should buy if you intend to work out at home. It will protect your knees and back from hard floors and is where you will do most of your ab exercises.


These are a must if you are working out at home. You can do almost any exercise with a kettlebell. There are so many workouts dedicated to kettlebells and they can really improve your fitness.

Jump Rope

Get your heart rate up with a skipping rope, if you have the room for it, this small piece of equipment is all the cardio you need for working out at home. Once you learn how to properly skip you can start learning new jumping skills.


Ankle Weights

If you want to work your legs a little bit harder, buy ankle weights. They go around the ankle and make every body-weight exercise a little bit harder. Try them for yourself and see.

Resistance Bands

With so many to choose from try, choose those which come in a variety of colors and resistances so you can really put your fitness to the test.

Gliding Disks

These are great for hard floors and are good for lunges. They will make you work your core a lot harder and a great addition to your workout.