How to Build Lean Muscle

Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash

Are you searching for a healthy way to gain weight? Exercise can help. Exercising works on keeping you fit and this means that you can also add weight from working out. Here are some tips to consider if you want to build lean muscle:

Lift weights

Do not be scared of lifting more weights. When you lift heavier, you’ll produce testosterone that helps build muscle. Increase your weight by 5 pounds at least and increase the reps. If you want to use your bodyweight, increase your reps as well.

More strength exercises

Don’t use several muscles and joints concurrently. This causes a breakdown of muscle fibers in recovery mode. Some popular exercises to try include lunges, squats, cleans, deadlifts, burpees, plyometric jump squats, walking lunges and box jumps.

Increase speed

You need to quicken the reps to stress your body more. However, you should not sacrifice form for this.

Go for light cardio

Cardio promotes blood circulation, and this supports the growth of muscles. However, if you want to gain weight, you should reduce cardio and increase lifting. You can stick to training with weights three times a week with one day of low impact cardio. Refrain from mixing high impact cardio and strength training because you could hurt yourself.

Eat properly

Don’t forget your carbs and protein. You can get protein drinks or liquid carbohydrate for this purpose to supplement your diet.