How To Ditch Your Underarm Flab In Just 4 Weeks

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Underarm flab is just not pretty. If you want to get rid of it, you can and it can be done quickly. You just need to change your diet and exercise more.

The Diet Part

You want to lose 500 calories from your daily intake for the four weeks. This means that you should lose 8lbs in that time.

Also, switch to whole foods, eat lean protein and get more vegetables. This will make you feel fuller and make it easier to shed weight.

The Exercise Bit

At the start of each work week, you will want to work out your triceps using 6-8 reps of two-arm triceps dumbbell extensions, close-grip triceps barbell presses, and one-arm triceps dumbbell extensions. You should also do six sets with a two to three-minute rest between each set.

Then at the end of the week, you want to go with some classic cable triceps rope extensions, triceps push-ups, and one-arm dumbbell extensions. This time you’re looking for 10-12 reps and four sets with a two to three minute rest between each set.

Don’t forget to ease into your workout and make sure you challenge yourself during exercise but don’t overload and hurt yourself.

Then watch as your underarm flab evaporates in just 4 weeks!