How to Fall Over Safely on Roller Skates

Roller skates are a fun way of working out, can be a rewarding sport, and allow you to get efficiently from one place to another. But anyone who roller-skates will know that you can’t help but fall over sometimes, especially when you’re just starting out. If you’re a beginner, here’s what you need to know about falling safely.

Be Decisive

When you’re learning to skate you will fall down. A lot. To make the fall as painless as possible, you need to learn to be decisive with your fall. Whichever way you’re falling, go with it. Changing your mind at the last minute can cause you to fall awkwardly, backward, or on your tailbone. These are all big no-nos.

Don’t Fall on Your Hands

It might sound impossible, but you really need to start training your body not to splay your hands out when you fall. The impact can sprain or break your wrists, elbows, or shoulders. Try to fall on your side instead.

Get Low to the Ground

When you feel yourself starting to fall, try to get your whole body as low to the ground as possible. This will reduce the impact.

Fall on Your Soft Parts

Aim to fall on your thigh or to slide along the ground. This will limit the impact of the fall and absorb the energy safely.