How to Go From Walking to Running

Photo by Kate Trifo on Unsplash

Starting a new fitness routine takes time and you shouldn’t expect to go from walking to running without putting in some effort. Like walking, running is a great cardio exercise, but running offers a greater calorie burn in a shorter period of time for a quicker workout. So, how do you go from walking to running? Here are some tips to get you started.

Start Slow

Start by mixing in jogging intervals into your walking routine. Try walking for 30 seconds and then jogging for one minute. If this is too intense, try jogging for 15 seconds. Over time, increase the duration of the jog and decrease the walking intervals.

Get the Right Gear

Running shoes aren’t the same as walking shoes. Because running is of higher intensity, you need a special type of shoe. Also, make sure you wear layers and sweat-wicking material to avoid chafing.

Include Strength Training

When you pick up the pace, you’re putting more strain on your muscles. To care of your body, add strength training into your routine at least twice a week. Squats and deadlifts are great exercises to start out with.

Focus on Cadence

Cadence is the number of steps you take in a minute. An increased cadence can lead to a reduction on the load on your joints, preventing injuries. Quicker cadences result in shorter stride lengths, which takes practice and won’t feel natural at first.

Set Goals

Increase your motivation to run by setting weekly goals for yourself. This will help you stick to your training plan and increase your distance over time.