How to Stay Motivated in Your Fitness Journey

Photo by John Arano on Unsplash

We’ve all been there. You set a goal to go to the gym every day this month and after day 3 you’re really considering skipping out. Once you skip, it’s a slippery slope to losing sight of the original goal! Here are a few key tips for staying motivated in your fitness journey.

Be Realistic in Your Goals

It’s very rare that people are able to go from 0-100 in their fitness journey. If you’re just starting out, maybe aim to workout 3 times a week, instead of everyday. Or if you know that you don’t have the time in your schedule to do hour-long workouts, aim to do 15 minutes of stretching in the morning to at least start your day with some movement!

Think About Why You Are Doing It

Many people begin their fitness journeys because they want to look a certain way or weigh a certain number, but that is often not enough to stay motivated. It’s difficult to feel motivated when you can’t see any progress toward your goals (especially in the beginning). Instead, try focusing on how you want to feel. Think about the rush of endorphins after a good workout that sticks with you for the rest of the day. These are things that will actually get you to stick to your routine.