How to Support Your Immune System During Cold Weather

Before you know it, the next winter will be here. This year has been crazy in so many ways, but the change of seasons is one consistent thing that you can count on. Colder weather comes with colds and flu, so it’s important to make sure your immune system is working like clockwork. Here’s how to support it when it’s cold outside.

Get Your Vitamins

As you get older, your body develops vitamin and mineral deficiencies that may compromise your immunity. Taking a multivitamin every day as well as mineral supplements will help you fight off infections.

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#ad re: affordable whole food multivitamin // I am always re-evaluating the multivitamins and supplements I am taking, and have currently been taking and reviewing @CentrumUSA Whole Food Women’s Multivitamins. I think it’s important to know about specialty brands, and also brands that can be found easily on Amazon or in the grocery store! ⁠ ⁠ Here’s how I decide what to use. The first thing I decide is whether or not I need something. Obviously! There are a TON of products out there nowadays, because wellness is booming and *trennnnndy*. But you really need to first figure out what it is that your body needs – and your needs might be (or will be!) different from mine. ⁠ ⁠ The second thing I look for, like I said above – are brands that are available to most. While I do love to get super niche and specialized on occasion, my job is to make sure that I am reviewing brands that are available and not super abstract and expensive. ⁠ ⁠ For the rest of my check list, click through the link in bio! I’ve been loving @CentrumUSA Whole Food Women’s Multivitamins because they are compiled of a blend of organic, whole foods that are designed to work with your body. If you think about that, it makes total sense – why wouldn’t we take vitamins and supplements that more closely match the foods we put into our bodies every day?! And they are available easily on Amazon and currently at a great price for prime day! ⁠ ⁠ *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ⁠ #Centrumwholefood #wholefoodmultivitamin #multivitamin #vitamins #wholefood #organicproducts #healthymom #nourishtoflourish #healthymindandbody #healthishappiness #journeytowellness #wellnesslifestyle #healthcoaches #healthymindhealthybody #wellnessadvocate #healthcoaching #healthychanges #healthyideas #healthisyourwealth #livewellbewell #journeytohealthy #makinghealthychoices #yourhealthmatters #feelfabulous #healthandwellnessjourney #healthcoachtips #nourishyourself #wellnessthatworks #nourishnotpunish

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Avoid Stress

We know this is basically impossible, but think about the situations in which you can manage your stress levels and start with those. You will quickly notice that you’ll sleep better and feel overall healthier, all thanks to your body not constantly being in a state of anxiety.


The best way to get vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients is through a healthy, balanced diet. It may sound boring but your body will simply be weaker if your diet consists mostly of fast food with little to none fruits and vegetables.