If You’re Not Including Olive Oil in Your Diet, This is Why You Should Start

Olive oil
Photo by Roberta Sorge on Unsplash

When making a salad, it never feels quite complete without a drizzle of olive oil. Before you hesitate, you may want to know that olive oil is not only rich in flavor, but it possesses a host of health benefits. Here is why you should include it more in your dishes. 

Heart Health 

While fatty substances can be bad for your cholesterol, olive oil is actually quite beneficial for your arteries. The compounds in the oil can improve blood vessel function and reduce the risk of heart disease. It also has the ability to lower blood pressure.

Inflammation Adversary

If inflammation is something you struggle with, olive oil is a good thing to add to your diet. Consuming one mg to 50 mg a day can help regulate inflammation in the body by blocking certain signaling pathways and reducing the upregulation of inflammatory enzymes. 

Good for Your Gut

Even your digestive tract can benefit from a little OO. Not only does the oil reduce the number of bacteria that can cause disease, but it also increases the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) which strengthen the gut lining and protect against inflammation.