Keep These Tips in Mind When Choosing Halloween Candy

Once the month of October hits, we get bombarded with Halloween treats everywhere we turn – at work, at our Dr.s offices, at the bank, in our communal living spaces, etc. It’s pretty unavoidable not to indulge in these tasty sweets. It’s totally okay to eat candy every once in a while and we have tips for a healthier way to enjoy your favorites.

Don’t Pay Too Much Attention to Calories

Yes, it’s important to be mindful of calories when choosing a sweet, but calories don’t give us the full story. Just because something is lower in calories, it doesn’t mean it’s the healthier option. Sugary favorites like Skittles, Sour Patch Kids, and Sweedish Fish may be lower in calories than chocolate options like Almond Joys, Snickers, and Kit Kats, but it doesn’t make them the healthier option.

What Type of Chocolate?

If you can, always aim for dark chocolate options when they are available. Dark chocolate has less sugar added than other chocolate and it’s best to aim for chocolates that have at least 70 percent cacao.

In addition, chocolates that contain nuts usually have less sugar added and they will keep you feeling satisfied for longer.

Pay Attention to Serving Size

Halloween candy comes in fun-size and bite-size options, which is great for portion control. Just be mindful of how many pieces you are eating and remember it’s okay to enjoy yourself!