Good quality sleep is essential to a healthy lifestyle, an active body, and a happy mind. But if you’re having sleep problems, it’s not always easy to know what you can do to help. The more you worry about it the worse it gets. If this problem relates to you, then don’t worry. Try these simple mindfulness exercises that should help you get a better night’s sleep if you use them consistently.
Mindful Breathing
Before you try to go to sleep, lie comfortably in bed and breathe deeply and fully. Feel the lungs fill with cool air. As you exhale let all the negative feelings and worries of the day flow out with the breath and disappear into the atmosphere. Then imagine breathing out to the horizon and then breathing back from there into the body. This exercise should make you calm, grounded, and ready for sleep.
Deep Breathing
When you are sitting in your favorite chair in the evening, close your eyes and follow your breath as it flows in and out. Feel the air move through the nose and mouth. Breathe down deeply and follow its rhythm. This will lower your heart rate and relax your body’s muscles, prepping you for sleep.