Mythbusting: Eating Fats Won’t Make You Gain Weight

When it comes to losing weight, many people believe that they need to cut sugar and fats from their diet and only eat low-fat, low-calorie foods. This is only partially true. While you can cut processed sugar without a second thought, don’t rush into doing it with fats. Fats, although high in calories, are an important group of nutrients and essential for your health.

“Fat in and of itself is not something that will make you fat,” explained dietitian Kristin Kirkpatrick for Popsugar. Overeating is what makes you gain weight, and it can happen with any food group. People typically connect the word ”fat“ with indulgent foods high in calories, but fats come in many shapes and forms.

This doesn’t mean that all fats are good for you. You should absolutely avoid trans fats found in processed vegetable oils. In order to get your daily dose of healthy fats, stock up on avocados, nuts, cold-pressed olive oil, and fatty fish. Fats should make up around 30% of your daily diet, but this can vary based on your individual preferences and needs. It’s always a good idea to consult a doctor before making a major diet change.