If you’re among those people who get irrationally angry when hungry (a.k.a. hangry), especially between two meals, you can use our healthy snack ideas.
Energy Balls
Use your favorite nuts, seeds, nut butters, and other healthy ingredients to make your own energy balls. There are many recipes available online and what they all have in common is that you can’t go wrong. They will be a success every time and you can simply use the ingredients you have at the moment.
When making healthy smoothies, make sure you don’t go overboard with sugary fruits and milk and instead focus on ingredients like yogurt, leafy greens, nut butters, etc. Add some fruit for color and flavor and enjoy!
Homemade Iced Tea
In the mood for a beverage as a snack? Instead of having a sugary store-bought iced tea, opt for a homemade version that you can make better with fruits and herbs.
Breakfast Popsicles
Yogurt, fruit, and granola are all the ingredients you need to make a batch of fun popsicles you can eat for breakfast all week long.