Peanut Powder The Spread You Can Enjoy Guilt-Free

Usually, peanut butter isn’t commonly known as a health food staple. Luckily, there’s an alternative peanut butter option you can try that works as well as your regular Skippy peanut butter – but without the added sugar.

Peanut powder is here to the rescue with barely any sugar. So now you can enjoy your PB&J sandwiches, guiltlessly. 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter can contain up to 190 calories. While powdered peanut butter, on the other hand, can contain just under 50 calories for the same amount. If your diet is usually calorie-restrictive, consider having a peanut powder option on hand.

Fewer Calories

Since peanut powder usually strips off some of the natural oils found in peanuts, it contains fewer calories. Usually, typical peanut butter brands can contain vegetable fats which can cause you to bloat, that’s why peanut powder comes is a better option for keeping your waistline at bay.

Sprinkle it on Dishes

Since peanut powder isn’t typically sweet, you can also sprinkle it on your breakfast oatmeal or even on popcorn for added protein! You can also use peanut powder for making Indian curries to add a nutty flavor, while it also makes for a great peanut butter base for a healthy pad thai recipe.