Reduce Your Stress with Yoga

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

Our hectic life can easily cause anxiety. It is important to find time to rest  and this yoga routine will help you to recharge:

Mountain Pose

To do this pose, stand tall with your shoulder down. Your palms and back should also be in the same position at the heart’s center. Close your eyes and ground down into the four corners of the feet. Inhale through your nose while exhaling with your mouth.

Upward Salute

Bring arms up and exhale while reaching through your fingertips. Exhale and extend your arms around the back while rotating shoulders to stretch. Interlock fingers behind the lower back and inhale while pushing up the heart’s center and pressing knuckles toward the floor.

Forward Fold

Keep your hands behind you and your fingers interlaced. Exhale when you bow forward. Bend the knees slightly and allow your belly to be supported by your quads. Press all the corners of your feet into the ground.

Chair Pose

Inhale and release your hands. Sweep them up when you lower your hips back. Allow your arms to lift and power up the quads while pressing all corners of your feet. Draw your shoulder blades into the upper back areas when you reach towards your ears. Then draw the tailbone to the floor, while keeping your lower back stretched.