Shelly Darlington Shares the Dos and Don’ts of Female Weight Training

In the past, women were heavily discouraged out of building too much muscle. There seemed to be a very clear image of what a “proper” woman should look like, and the word “bulky” had very little to do with that image. But times are a-changing, and today’s world is a lot more body-positive, which encourages many young and older women to go into weight training.

If you’re one of those women, welcome aboard! But before you start bulking up, there are some important tips to keep in mind in order to keep safe and make the best out of your workout.   

On her viral YouTube video, How To Start Weight Training For Women, personal trainer and founder of The STRONG Curves Program, Shelly Darlington, shares important guidelines for any female who wants to start weight training.

Shelly provides useful workout tips, disproves misconceptions and answers common weight training questions. She shares the best exercises for beginners for both lower and upper body, advises on the proper way to structure each workout and reveals the three most important guidelines for building strong curves.

“If you want to learn the best way to start strength training for women but have no idea how to go about it, this video will clear up every single doubt,” Shelly writes in the video’s description.”Everything I have learned over the last decade has been squeezed into this beginner weight training guide video.”