Simple Tricks to Prevent Body Odor at the Gym

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Sweating is a normal bodily function that’s actually very beneficial because it helps our bodies regulate temperature and release toxins. However, sweat mixed with bacteria on our skin can cause very unpleasant odors, which often happens during intense workouts. Here are a few tips on how to prevent bad body odors at the gym.

Wear Breathable Fabrics

Choosing the right workout clothes made from breathable fabrics can also help you get rid of bad smells. Workout clothes are usually made from synthetic materials that can keep you cool and dry at the gym.

Don’t Rewear Workout Clothes

Even though it’s not very practical, washing your gym clothes after every workout is a must. Rewearing smelly and sweaty workout clothes will allow bacteria to multiply and will result in ever smellier odors, or even worse, infection.

Use Antibacterial Soap

Taking regular showers should be the first step in preventing bad odors, and using regular soap will do the trick in most cases. If not, make sure to try anti-bacterial soap because they’re designed to kill bacteria and reduce bad odors.

Use Antiperspirants or Deodorants

It might be obvious, but it works. Try different antiperspirants and deodorants to find the one that’s best for your body. Once you’ve found your go-to deodorant, use it every morning and after your shower to avoid bad body odor.