Summer Food Portions You’re Probably Overeating

A huge part of losing weight and leading a healthier lifestyle is paying attention to the portion size. It’s easy to go overboard when eating summer snacks and drinks which can make it harder to reach your fitness goals, especially if you’re keeping track of what you’re eating. Here are the most common portion-size mistakes for summer foods and ways to correct them.

100% Fruit Juice

When you drink fruit juice you’re probably used to drinking at least a heaping cup’s worth. But, the actual portion size is half a cup. While fruit juice has tons of vitamins and minerals, it doesn’t have as much fiber as whole fruit. When possible, just eat the whole fruit, and if you’re buying juice at the store check the nutrition label to make sure there isn’t added sugar.

Ice Cream

Ice cream is the ultimate summer treat and when you go to your local ice cream shop, you’re getting between one to two cups. The actual serving size is one scoop or half a cup. It’s important to be mindful of how much ice cream you’re eating because it’s high in fat and added sugar. If you want the sweet taste of ice cream without the calories, opt for popsicles or sorbet.

Grilled Meat

Summer’s grilling season and we’re sure you’ll be heading to tons of barbecues during these warmer months. While most people eat an eight-ounce steak or a five to six-ounce burger, the portion size is actually less than three ounces. Choose lean proteins and fill your plate with veggies and whole grains.

Dried Fruit

If you’ve ever looked at the amount of calories and added sugar in dried fruit, you were probably surprised to say the least. While you think you’re being healthy, after all, you’re eating fruit, it’s really high in calories. The portion size is 1/4 cup, so be mindful when snacking on it. Try making a trail mix with some dried fruit, nuts, and oats.