The Best Exercises for Women During Their Periods

Woman working out
Image via Koldunov/Depositphotos

The menstrual cycle is a natural and essential part of a woman’s life, but it can often come with discomfort and changes in energy levels. While it might be tempting to skip your workout routine during your period, staying active can actually help alleviate symptoms and boost your mood. We’ll explore the best exercises for women to embrace during their menstrual cycle.

Yoga and Stretching

Gentle yoga poses and stretching can help relieve cramps and discomfort by increasing blood flow to the pelvic region. Poses like Child’s Pose, Cat-Cow, and Pigeon Pose can provide relaxation and ease tension.


Pilates focuses on core strength and stability, which can be particularly beneficial during your period. It can help improve posture, alleviate back pain, and enhance overall body awareness.


Walking is a low-impact exercise that helps reduce bloating and cramps while promoting better circulation. A brisk walk can also release endorphins, improving your mood and easing any premenstrual blues.