The Most Popular Ways to Do Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a very popular way to eat less and lose weight, but did you know there are several ways in which you can practice it according to your lifestyle and personal preferences?

All of the ways mentioned below can be effective, as long as you can stick to the one that works best for you.


The 16/8 method means that you eat during the 8-hour window and fast for 16 hours. You can adjust it in the beginning and turn it into 14/10 if that’s easier for you. You can fit 2 or three meals within your eating window.


This is the type of fasting where you eat normally for 5 days then fast for 2 days, typically during the weekend but you can choose whichever days work for you. During those two days, you can consume only 500-600 calories.

24-Hour Fast

This method means that you should stop eating for 24 hours once or twice per week. It’s definitely not for everybody, but it can have great effects.