These Fall Activities Count as Workouts

A workout isn’t just something you do at the gym on specific days of the week. There are plenty of fun activities that help you burn just as many calories as a serious workout, and during the fall, there are several seasonal activities that we particularly love.

Road Biking

Nothing beats a bike ride through beautiful fall scenery. If you live in a city, try going to a rural area and enjoying the fall colors. A park will also do if you don’t have other options.

Apple Picking

If you can get to an orchard, apple picking is an amazing way to spend a fall day. You can eat fresh apples right off the tree and take some home to make delicious treats like apple pies and cakes!

Raking Leaves

While it may not be the most fun activity on our list, it will surely help you burn some extra calories! Any yard work counts, actually, so if there are no leaves to rake, you can trim the bushes, plant some fall flowers, or do anything else that will make your yard look beautiful.