Things You Should Look For in Perfect CrossFit Shoes

Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Most gym enthusiasts attend their CrossFit classes in classic running shoes, but this activity requires something more specific. If you’re looking for a perfect pair of sneakers that will aid your progress, here’s a couple of things you should pay attention to.

Heel Support

CrossFit includes a significant amount of weightlifting, and going with regular running shoes is not the best idea since they tend to have a very high heel drop. Go with the shoes that have a firm heel and considerable cushioning, because it will help you stay stable and avoid injuries.

Lightweight Shoes

Wearing bulky shoes during your training is never a good idea because they’ll end up dragging you down and putting a strain on your body. Minimalist and barefoot shoes are a very popular option, but they might not be so great for your stability – so think twice before buying a pair.

Soft Materials

CrossFit shoes are known for their tough external design with hard soles, but their interior should be a complete opposite. Always opt for soft fabrics that will be gentle on your feet and give them all the protections and support you need.