Time of the Day Matters When it Comes to Exercise

Photo by Sam Sabourin on Unsplash

It’s not always easy to get into your groove when it comes to working out. You’ve got so many things going on in your life and therefore you’re struggling to squeeze that series of reps. There are all kinds of reasons that you may be struggling with this, but here’s one factor that you may do well to consider. Time of the day matters and here’s why.

Energy Levels

Our energy levels are all over the place within the context of a given day. The levels of complexity involved in this are truly fascinating, from our emotional states to our motivational goals at any given moment. We won’t go too far down the rabbit hole right now, but we can say with absolute certainty that you’ll react differently to your workouts, depending on the time of the day. For this reason, we urge you to find the time of day where working out makes sense for you emotionally and physically.


But it’s not just emotional and physical. There’s also that keyword we all love: practicality. It’s all good and well to find a time that works for you ideally, but if it doesn’t work within the context of your day-to-day life, by golly it’ll never work. Now you understand the scope of the complexity, and this is why it’s crucial to find that perfect sweet spot—the time of the day where you’re truly getting the most out of your workout, within a practical framework that actually makes sense.