Tips For Losing Weight and Keeping It Off

Losing weight is hard and no matter how prepared you are to change your lifestyle completely, there are still many things that will surprise you. These ups and downs will make you second guess your weight loss motivation and make you think twice about continuing. Once you have started this journey you really need to make sure you have the motivation to keep going. Here are five tips from women, who lost weight, to keep you on track and motivated.

Look How Far You’ve Come

If you ever feel like giving up look at pictures of before you decided to change you eating habits and start exercising. This will remind you of how far you’ve come and it will keep you on track to continue.

Remember Your Why

Always go back to why you want to lose weight and change your life. If you keep remembering the why then you will stay motivated. If it’s an upcoming celebration, the holiday you saved up for, or playing with your kids, keep using it as a motivator to keep going.

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I am going to be honest AF right now – I almost facetuned this photo, but I didn't for three major reasons. First, I am over succumbing to the notion of a "highlight reel". The pressure of curating a perfect online image is exhausting and the last thing I want to do is misrepresent how much work this continues to take. There are weeks where I don't notice any progress and I need to be real about that because it's normal! I've been dancing around those same 5 pounds for months and yes – it's super frustrating, but I won't let it discourage me. Consistency is key and I've got goals to smash this year. Second, it's misleading and a total misrepresentation of my progress if I "fix" what bothers me in a photo. What's the point of me being vulnerable enough to share my journey if the photos I share are of an edited version of myself? I've done too much work, internally and externally, to backslide over how my arm looks in a gym selfie. Lastly, I never want to look at a photo of myself throughout this process and wonder if that's really what I looked like. Comparison is the thief of joy whether you're comparing yourself to someone else or a former version of yourself. Instagram can be a vapid wasteland if you let it and I hope to bring a little glimmer of authenticity and positivity to anyone who cares to pay attention. ✨ . . . #transformation #selfcare #goals #weightlossjourney #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #bodytransformation #ketotransformation #keto #ketodiet #ketoaf #ketoweightloss #ketolifestyle #ketosis #ketogenic #ketogenicdiet #myketojourney #iweigh #nsv #92weeksandcounting #lowcarbhighfat #lchf #fattofit #fatloss #fitness #fitnessjourney #xmelissaannweightloss #weddingweightloss

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Make Your Workouts Fun

Plateauing is one of the downs of weight loss. It can be because of sleep, hormones, or many other reasons, but this can really be unmotivating. For some people, they need to do more exercise. That sounds scary, but the best thing to do is to pick an activity that interests and excites you and focus on the fun parts.

Focus on Non Scale Victories

Its not all about the amount you lose each week, you can focus on so many more things for motivation. Like if your clothes feel looser, you are mindfully eating, are you able to run for 3 minutes longer. All of these reasons are enough to keep pushing through and reaching your goals.