Tips for Taking Your Power Walking Sessions to the Next Level

Power walking
Photo by Harsh Gupta on Unsplash

If you’re looking for a low-impact cardio activity that you can do even if you’re a total beginner, power walking is always a good idea. Performing this activity may seem like the easiest thing in the world, but there are a few tips you should keep in mind if you want to do it right.

Proper Form

Just like any other form of exercise, power walking won’t do you any good if you do it with bad posture. You should always try to keep your eyes forward, shoulders back, and head upright, and try not to let your arms dangle by your sides, lean forward, or over-stride as you walk.

Distance and Pace

The distance and pace of your power walking sessions will determine how successful they are. It goes without saying that walking the longer distance will do you more good, but picking up your pace, preferably at around four miles per hour, is also a good way to burn some extra calories.

Right Shoes

Picking the right pair of shoes is extremely important for all sorts of different cardio activities, and power walking is no different. Consider investing in a comfy pair of walking shoes with good arch support and a flat sole.